My new food guide The Plant Plate made its debut on today. This is a colorized version of the guide that will be in the book Vegan for Her (which will provide a little more detail on using the plate.)

The information is almost identical to the food guide that Jack and I created for Vegan for Life. But I wanted an appealing graphic and was thrilled to find artist Ari Evergreen from Shirari Industries to illustrate it for me. (Side note: Ari went vegan after finding a Vegan Outreach pamphlet that someone left in a coffee shop. Now she uses her art in her activism for both human and non-human animals. So thank you to VO and that savvy activist who left the booklet behind–leading Ari to veganism and me to Ari. Clearly it takes a village to create a Plant Plate.)

Please considering sharing The Plant Plate on facebook or your own blog to help people see how easy and appealing vegan eating can be.